“Successful people do what they need to do, whether they feel like it or not.” This is one of the quotes that sticks to your brain once you hear it! When you are feeling down, lazy, uninspired, or don’t feel like doing anything, this inspiring quote has the power to make you get up and start doing things again! Let’s face it – everyone loses their inspiration at one time or another in their lives, we just need to learn how to combat it.

Being productive is a hard thing to do, especially when we lose our momentum and inspiration. Therefore we need to find ways to be as productive as possible. Below are 3 ways on how you can continue to stay productive when you feel uninspired:

Focus on One Important Thing

When you are feeling uninspired, and you need to get a lot done, the first thing you should do is to focus. Focus is paramount in getting things done. However, instead of “just” focusing, focus on ONE important thing – the most important thing to you in that day, week, month, or year. Ask yourself, what is the one thing that you NEED to accomplish?

Prioritize Your One Thing

Once you realize what your “one” thing is, write it down, and prioritize it above everything else! The best way to do this is to have a to-do list or to implement the method of time blocking.  When you select your one thing, everything will be easier and effortless! This will also redirect your focus and allow you to persist more on what you need you to do!

This new focus will allow you to push through those lethargic, overwhelming, and heavy feelings you experience in life and will boost your productivity immensely!

Remove All Distractions

While we all have daily distractions such as children or pets that sometimes we can’t avoid, the biggest distraction out there is our phone! For the non-electronic distractions, try to schedule your time and tasks for when you will be around fewer things and people that cause you to be distracted.

With electronic distractions, however, the temptation is there to look at everything! When you own a cell phone, you have to deal with the continual texts, emails, and social media notifications popping up. All of these can and WILL distract you, and pull you away from being productive – so you need to put the distractions away!

Different Ways to Remove Distractions

To avoid any distractions when you’re trying to be productive, practice the following:

  • Make sure you’re in either a room or environment where there is little to no noise and distractions.
  • If it helps you, turn on some music and tune out the world!
  • Set your phone on airplane mode or turn it off altogether to avoid getting tempted to look at it. Go back to it when you have time to do so, or when you assigned time to look at it.
  • Uninstall Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and any other social media you have on your phone for the time being.

The BEST way to avoid all and any electronic distractions is to chuck your phone away for the entire day – you’ll be surprised at how much time you have left to get a lot more done in your day! Putting your phone out of your sight for a day will help you to be more productive, will force you to become more inspired, and will help you get through those days where you don’t feel motivated. Give it a try!

Change Your Negative Mindset to Achieve Your Goals

Knowing that mindset can significantly impact how you get things done, how can you ensure you are on a steady increase, no matter how you feel? This positive type of mindset is what you should instill in your brain. Be able to call on this power whenever needed so that you can get things done productively, even when you are feeling inspired! The mind is a powerful tool in being successful and productive in life – so utilize it to the best of your ability to see results!

Inspiration isn’t the Only Way to Stay Productive – It’s What YOU Make of It

If you tell yourself that you can only get things done in life when you’re feeling inspired – you won’t get very far because inspiration isn’t always going to be there. Being productive depends on what you make of it, and what steps you take to implement changes in your life to be more productive! Stop telling yourself otherwise and look for other ways to stay in a productive-mood – in doing so, you will have the chance to see your life and business thrive!

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