You are striving to succeed which means a lot of discipline, hard work, perseverance, and sacrifices. Successful individuals have different strategies and routines to attain their personal goals. Success means productivity; productivity needs activity. Organizing your schedules, creating a routine or making a systematic way of accomplishing daily tasks is the key to being productive.
Plan the Night Before
Think of this as the calm before the storm. Organize your day the night before to determine which tasks need to be worked on. Determine what you need on every task to finish it and the approximate time it’ll take to complete it. A simple checklist may also help to monitor your progress and allow you to celebrate the wins big or small from start to finish.
Use an Alarm
Using an alarm can help you be more productive and mindful about the amount of time you are using to work on each task. Work in small spurts such as 25 minutes like the Pomodoro Technique suggests. This techniques states to work for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes and to structure your day to work in intervals to be more productive. As mentioned, the timer can help you be mindful about your time and actually give you the boost of energy to work faster by focusing on the task at hand versus trying to multitask.
Prioritize Important Tasks
When you start your day or if you prefer to include it as part of your planning the night before, prioritize your daily tasks in order of importance so that you can quickly see what tasks you should start with first. Once you know which tasks you’ll be working on, determine what you’ll need to complete each task and the approximate time it’ll take to complete. By “eating that frog” you can finish the most challenging and time consuming task first and move onto the next.
Focus Your Mind
Your mental toughness should be as hard as titanium. A barrage of challenges awaits you every single day from the moment you open your eyes until they close. Being able to focus on each task, you’ll be able to increase your productivity and save some brain power from trying to switch tasks often or when you’re trying to multitask.
Here are some ways to maintain focus:
- Eliminate distractions that take away your focus
- Make sure your environment is comfortable
- Be mindful on what you are doing
- Always remember your priorities
- No way to excuses
- Have time to rest
Fuel Your Body
Your health is your most important asset. Lack of rest, an insufficient amount of sleep, and buildup of stress will inevitably slow you down. Eating nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and drinking at least eight glasses of water is the primary source of energy that will fuel your body to work and accomplish your daily tasks. By feeding your body, you’re also nourishing your mind.
Having a routine that will boost productivity is essential, but it won’t happen overnight. Creating a routine requires you to change your habits. Stay motivated to keep going and be consistent with your new routine. By doing so, you’ll be, do, and have more. Self-discipline is part of success!
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